ice cream showcases
and ice cream display, ice cream freezer, business, sale and shop. And of course a list of our products for sale as we are supplier of Italian ice cream display freezer and manufacturers of ice cream showcases. What: ice cream showcases and display freezer for sale. Where: Bangkok BKK, Phuket, Chiang Mai, Pattaya (Chonburi), Hua Hin and we do serve all around Thailand. Why: for increase your ice cream business. Creamy (liquid) website optimized for smart phone, tablet and desktop. If you want to buy ice cream wholesale please call 021708640 or we have a new promotion: brand new showcase at less than you can think, including pans and more, click the catalog page hereWelcome in home page. Navigation menu':
- Are you thinking about a small booth or a store?
- Are you going to open only ice cream shop?
- Or will you also have coffee, bakery and pastry and maybe some other eatable stuff in your parlor?
- Will you sell distinctly gelato and sherbet?
- Do you want we sketch an idea?
- Do you already have a success enterprise?
- How much it cost an ice cream showcase?
- Will you also make ice cream production yourself?
In the first option you have to think that all you income will come from the sale of gelato so your ice cream freezer should have capability to show as much as possible. If it will be a booth then you must choose between a small 12 flavors with 1/4 pans to contain costs or a ice cream cart that will be all your booth.
In the second option point your choice on two showcases instead of only one. The top choice will be to have two 20 flavors each. But you can also work fine with a 12 flavors and an 16 or 18 flavors if the shop is not too big. Remember that also keep some space for customer is good and the shop will look better even if this let you renounce to few more flavors.
As for the third point if you will have many other products to sell in your store beside the "ice cream" then maybe you can start with a smaller showcase with a minimum of sevel flavors. But I do suggest you a little effort to go for a 12 as the 7 it is OK for a sale corner in a restaurant or hotel. Restaurant and hotel can even think about a freezer with an upper glass also called "chest freezer" like also mini mart can. See the picture below. In fact they focus them earning about other things like rooms, services and food.
In the fourth case better to think about two display as you can read later in the next point 6.
Yes, we can sketch and idea for you or even create a whole project so you don't have to worry about nothing. Just start your business. Try a quick contact with our staff now!
If in the sixth situation, that you already have a shop, so you already know your needs, please move directly to the catalog page to choose a showcase or click the next link to Enjoy our special offers.
If you will also have some ice cream production please visit further in the website the ice cream and gelato page. You will see many interesting content about ice cream.
Generally speaking, determinate how much it cost a showcase is impossible. A small ice cream freezer with a curved glass on the top cover can cost only 17,500.00 baht; and you can get it immediately. A top modern showcase with more than 20 flavors in Italian pans size can easily reach the 350,000.00 baht. Everything depend on what you need. Feel free to ask for advice to us.
After these considerations the choice will only depend on you, on your taste for design and the prices of course. I don't know if finally you will buy it from us but don't go too cheap! A low quality cabinet freezer can only give you problems and melting icecream and difficult to keep constant temperature. Keep an eye also on size. Bigger is nicer but a too big showcase is not handy for your staff, the operators, as it is too high and they will need a platform to work comfortable and also the children, that are your potential customers, will be affect in the ice cream visual.Or a really small ice cream cart
as well as a small freezer with some ice cream cups can give you the opportunity to start a business
Talking about ice cream: Our daily production of ice cream is done with batch freezer for the gelato and with continuous ice cream machinery for the ice cream. This can diversify our production of ice cream to distribute the right product to the right customer. To better understand the ice cream world we can talk about famous ice cream brand like Nestle', Walls, Häagen-Dazs, Swensen's, Baskin-Robbins, Ben & Jerry's, Grom (Italy) and Ice Age of course. The first two brands are maybe the most known ice cream brands. Easy to find almost in any corner of Bangkok and Thailand. Häagen-Dazs is a very top end target products and Swensen's is very popular as any shops is plenty of seats to enjoy the ice cream while sitting. Baskin-Robbins and Ben & Jerry's are very famous in the USA and Grom is a growing Italian enterprise. Anyway there are plenty of ice cream brands. This short list is just an example as there are many factory and artisans that produce very good ice cream as well, just Google ice cream and you will see it. We, Ice Age Co., Ltd. produce ice cream in the Italian style like gelato. The taste is a well balanced of gelato style and Thai taste habit to create and delivery an ice cream product that is suitable for Thai, foreigner and any other ice cream gelato lover. Very important is the presentation of ice cream so an adequate ice cream showcase must be chosen to improve sale of ice cream.
More tips, questions and answers:
- Should I think about a showcase freezer that can reach -25 degrees Celsius? No, Italian gelato and ice cream should be sold around -15 till -18; -18 it is already too cold and icy for a creamy serving and for homemade production. Choose a equipment with a good thermostat.
- What about the technical stuff? A cabinet that use too many component doesn't means that is a durable product. Mister Ford use to say: anything that is not there does not cost and can't broke down! The refrigeration system is quite simple, don't go for too complicated or too sophisticated. Even a oversize compressor can be noisy and electric devourer with no benefit for the machine. See more at the technical assistance page.
- Can I use the showcase in open air? With the climate and the humidity of your country, Thailand, it is not advisable to use the showcase in a non air-conditioned environment. You can use a small ice cream cart in front of your shop in proper shadow or a show freezer, ice cream freezer. It is true that showing the product right on the street can improve sales, so consult with one of our agent on this matter.
- Can I fill the pans with gelato like a mountain? Please beware of the showcase construction that has to have a really high cold line and a good ventilation system.
- When I sell from my display freezer should I use cone or cups? This is all up to you. The cones are very Italian fashion way of sell gelato, with the cup you can add toppings, chocolate fudge and even whipped cream. Remember that the icecream in the cone if melts quickly will drop on your customer hand so better to serve more cold than the cup.
- Should I have tไo showcases, one for gelato and one for sherbet or "sorbetto"? This is the best thing as sherbet, sorbetto, sorbet or water ice that are the ice cream without milk, usually fruit flavors, should be kept and serve more cold than the milk creamy one.
- Are colors important? Not really, this is up to you. You will see that you will end up with stickers and special offer sign that will move the importance of the color in a lower role.
- Then you have to think bit more technically: will I use the showcase 24 hours? This is one of the worst decisions you can take in your life. Provide yourself an easy best solution is buy a stock freezer or chest freezer. You will pay it with the saving on electric bill of only 6 months. So every day, before the closing time of the shop, move the gelato from the showcase and put it in the stock freezer, then turn off the icecream display.
- A small tip to sell more icecream? Easy: just put
an ice cream menu' close to your "ice cream freezer" or on the top of your counter or on the tables of your shop or restaurant or mini market.
You can use this one:
Click to enlarge the menu' and then download and print it at your pleasure.
Ice cream and gelato originating from Italy is also sold in Thailand and can be eaten in many shopping malls such as Siam Paragon, Central World, MBK or in icecream store in many other provinces. We have branches in Chiang Mai, Hua Hin, Phuket, Pattaya and Bangkok BKK. Usually we sale to hotel and restaurants around Bangkok BKK and in the other provinces where we have branches, also in Korat area. Our ice cream is delicious, of course, and we always offer a good selection resulting from good quality raw materials and meticulous check from all sources. Our ice cream contain fresh fruit, fresh real milk and fresh cream to make the final product with good quality and high standards. With both icecream, gelato and fruit flavors. We also have some eccentric taste and flavors as basil, lemon grass and many others. If a customer is interested to order ice cream also in strange way of flavor we can make it as well. We also have raw materials to sell to customers who are interested to purchase ingredients from us. Our ice cream is soft, creamy, smooth and aromatic. Never to sweet, always cold! Produced by the modern clean and hygienic technology. Fruit ice cream are fat-free. Making icecream with flavors that appeal to our customers is our goal. More important has been the audited by the FDA. To buy ice cream that we sell contact 021708643 or click Ice cream and gelato.
We have some videos also, it is still an experiment. Start with the ice cream factory cleaning, watch it and comment it on you tube:

Ice cream factory cleaning. More links to other videos in our ice cream page.
If you want to come in our ice cream showcase exhibition to see the products we are inside the Soi 25/1 of Kingkeo Road in BKK Bangkok, you can see the map in our contact page. Once here you can also taste some fresh gelato and ice cream and even some bakery too now still in an experimental phase. Our ice cream instead has many years of production experience. Please make an appointment before 021708640. If you want to know more about bakery you can check www.bakery-wholesale.com
Author: Kittiporn Nantanon, from BKK Bangkok
All domains of the group: ice-cream-showcases.com ice-cream-display.com ตู้โชว์ไอศครีม: ตู้แช่ไอศกรีม.com, ตู้ไอศกรีม: www.ตู้ไอศกรีม.com ตู้แช่ไอศกรีม: www.ตู้แช่ไอศกรีม.com ตู้แช่ไอติม: www.ตู้แช่ไอติม.com by Ice Age Co., Ltd. of Bangkok Thailand. And even more: ice cream shop: www.ice-cream-showcase.com/ice-cream/shop-and-business.html for you to know how to open an ice cream shop or gelato parlor and also about ice cream wholesale, ขายไอศครีม: www.ขายไอศครีม.com ทําไอติม: www.ขายไอศครีม.com วัตถุดิบไอศครีม: www.ขายไอศครีม.com/ingredients-for-ice-cream/ice-cream-ingredients_TH.html . For more information read the about page, thank you. Author: Kittiporn Nantanon info@ice-cream-showcase.com
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